When I first started planning my garden early last spring, I focused on learning how to start seeds indoors. From then I worried about planting them on time in the raised beds we made and just watered and harvested from then on out.
I didn't think of the garden as a perpetual system, probably because I knew I'd be moving sometime soon and because the lawn care people at our apartment tend to destroy my plants and "clean up" my compost pile by throwing it away- not to mention leaf blowing the entire yard so no leaves are left behind. What could I do, I rent.
Now that we have this farm in the works I've researched how to make healthy garden beds from scratch. Food Not Lawns was really the starting point for me in terms of sustainable gardening and soil health. I revisited that book last night after learning all about the lasagna gardening method on Mother Earth News.
So now I'm left with one question, to till or not to till? Knowing that we move in in early April leaves me no time to make the lasagna style bed. I won't have the materials- newspaper, leaves, compost. On the other hand, I know tilling will be back breaking labor that may destroy my virgin soil! Guess I won't know what to do till I'm actually there. Maybe my spring yard cleanup will yield leftover autumnal leaves. Maybe a neighbor has some manure or compost. Within a years time I will have a system in place to collect all this "black gold" (as my mother calls it).