Yesterday my box of heirloom seeds arrived in the mail. We ordered more than our little urban side yard can probably handle, but I couldn't help myself. The varieties we chose from Botanical Interests, INC have been cultivated for over 50 years, making them "heirlooms".
We started the seeds in biodegradable trays under a set of fluorescent light bulbs in our kitchen. I pray my kitty won't find them! Fluorescent bulbs seem to be the common source of light for starting seeds. Does anyone know if CFL bulbs will work?
The big project of the day was the construction of a raised garden bed. We put it together rather quickly, just screwing the wood together with "L" brackets. The raised bed totals just over twenty square feet. Even though my city's historic last frost date is still 6 weeks away, I planted some cold hardy spinach right in the new garden.

I've always loved to grow plants, but this is my first intense year of food production. It's a mix of ancient planting methods based on almanacs and phases of the moon but also syncing my iphone/ical to remind me to move my seeds outdoors, or to start my zucchini. I was outside, in the sun, for a few hours today which hasn't happened in about 5 months I would estimate....and it felt good, really good.
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